Suggestions and Complaints




Your opinion is important to us

If you have any compliments, feedback, or would like to raise a concern or complaint, please direct this in the first instance to our Patient Services Manager, Casey Yeo. They will be happy to discuss your concerns further, or receive your suggestions.

You may either speak face-to-face or telephone in the first instance, or send an email using our secure online form or write to the practice. Please note this form should not be used for clinical matters or urgent queries. 

We will always happily meet with you to discuss any concerns at a time convenient to you.

Should you need support with the complaints process you can contact your local Independent Complaints Advocacy Service (ICAS) telephone: 0300 456 8350

If you do not wish to speak to us directly about your complaint you can make a complaint via Greater Manchester Integrated Care Board here (make this a link to this page

We fully comply with the NHS Complaints procedures including "Listening, Responding and Learning", keeping you fully informed and supporting you in how to complain or have your complaint reviewed by the Parlimentary & Healthcare Ombudsman.

If you are unhappy with the outcome of your complaint, you can refer the matter to the Health Service Ombudsman. Tel: 0345 015 4033